It's Tea Time Somewhere: All Around the Table
“You’re not a full grown-up until you’ve cooked a turkey on your own. You’re just pretending up until that point.”
We’re coming up on that time of year: the time of turkey, traditions, and gathering around the table with the ones we love. It’s almost Thanksgiving! Will there be green bean casserole and sweet potatoes on your table? Can you even get turkey wherever you are in the world? In this episode, Denise, Alicia, and Melissa talk about all things Thanksgiving. They compare their childhood memories of Thanksgiving with their current expat reality, share what they are most thankful for in this moment, and play a fun ice-breaker game that you can use around your own table this year. So, grab a warm beverage and settle in, because it’s tea time somewhere!
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Questions discussed during this episode:
What was your Thanksgiving like as a child, and what is it like now?
Do you have a morning routine?
If you had an extra $100 to spend on yourself every week, what would you do?
What’s your personal anthem, or theme song?
Do you ever hunt for answers or omens in dreams?
What was your worst haircut/hairstyle of all time?
Do you have any irrational fears?
Where and when do you get your best ideas?
If you could sit down with your 15-year old self, what would you tell her?
What’s the best compliment you’ve ever received?
What are you most grateful for, right now, in this moment?
Mentioned in this episode:
Here are 45 conversation starters for you to ask around your Thanksgiving table this year.
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Alicia’s anthem: “High Hopes” by Panic! at the Disco
Melissa’s anthem: “Yogurt” by Ylvis
What is kudzu? For those of you who were not traumatized as a child like Denise, here’s the lowdown about the vine that is suffocating everything to which it clings.
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Show credits:
Hosted by Denise James, Alicia Boyce, and Melissa Faraday // produced and edited by Melissa Faraday // content managed by Kim Johnson.
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