You Asked, We Answered: Round Two | Episode 20
“We had these previous roles in America where (my husband) took care of this and that, and he knew how to do it. Then, all of a sudden, we're in a place where he doesn't know how to do everything. That's normal. Things are going to change in your relationship as far as who does what and whose role is what.” —Melissa
In this episode, we’re doing our second round of “ask us anything.” We didn’t have time to cover all the questions, but we do discuss boundaries, hosting guests, our expat marriages, advice for our first year selves, emotional/mental health, and the most interesting gifts we received from our host culture friends. We also give some rapid-fire answers to questions about books, music, recipes and what we would buy if money and luggage weight wasn’t an issue. Oh, and how good is your Victorian slang? Let’s find out via a pop quiz!
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Questions discussed in this episode:
What advice for your first-year expat self?
How do you adjust your boundaries to fit your expat life w/out just tossing them away?
What would your best tip be for hosting visitors from passport country?
What is the funniest, best, or most interesting gift you received?
What is one thing you’ve done for your emotional/mental health?
What is the best thing you’ve done for your marriage while overseas?
What is your go to recipe?
What are you reading?
What are you listening to?
What are you watching?
One thing from Amazon you want (if money and shipping was not an option)?
Mentioned in this episode:
You Asked, We Answered: First Installment
A True Day in the Life by Taylor May
Cakes and Ale by W. Somerset Maugham
Gentle and Lowly by Dane C. Ortland
The Lady’s Guide to Fortune Hunting by Sophie Irwan
Phoolan Devi, Rebel Queen by Claire Fauvel
The Good Left Undone by Adriana Trigiani
Atlas of the Heart by Brene Brown
So Many Beginnings: A Little Women’s Remix by Bethany C. Morrow
Cunk on Earth (a little crass)
Pour Over Pie Crust (for Chicken Pot Pie)
Alicia’s Recipe:
Quotes from this Episode:
“I always relate it to having to borrow someone's clothes. Let's say your luggage didn't show up—you know, it got lost somewhere. It's going to show up later, but you have to borrow a few things to get by. It's not fitting well. It's not your style. It's not what you would have picked off the rack. But you have to use it until you get your own clothes back—until you feel like yourself again. You figure out how to be yourself in a new culture. It is possible, but it takes some time.” —Alicia
“You don’t know anything.” —Melissa
“You have to find the things your family is going to root in that you don't want to give up and then see how you can fit it in with the culture the best way possible. And sometimes the answer is it can’t.” —Denise
“Learn by doing.” —Alicia quoting her husband, David
“I like to find creative projects for me to work on—like this podcast. Those things are just good for me. I can listen to a book and do something creative—something productive that’s measurable.” —Denise
“We had these previous roles in America where (my husband) took care of this and that and he knew how to do it. Then, all of a sudden, we're in a place where he doesn't know how to do everything. That's normal. Things are going to change in your relationship as far as who does what and whose role is what.” —Melissa
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Show credits:
Hosted by Denise James, Alicia Boyce, and Melissa Faraday // produced and edited by Melissa Faraday // content managed by Kim Johnson.
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